Future Forms in Spanish: Futuro Perfecto

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Making plans, talking about projects and intentions… knowing how to talk about the future in Spanish is really important to communicate fluently and effortlessly on real-life situations. If you’d like to learn all there’s to know about it, keep reading our most detailed series about the future.

In this post you'll find:

Futuro compuesto o perfecto (B2)

  • ¿Tú crees que habremos construido un hotel en la luna en el año 2070?
  • Yo creo que habrán hecho un hotel en el espacio, pero no en la luna.
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Futuro perfecto, also called futuro compuesto, is less commonly used than futuro imperfecto, but it’s important to know how to use it correctly. It’s formed with the verb HABER in futuro simple + participio. Look at the following chart:

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Let’s practise!

We use futuro perfecto to express an action completed in the future. This is known as the “past” of the future. Look at these examples:


Mañana el avión llegará a las 15:00. 

A las 15:15 el avión ya habrá llegado

El lunes voy a trabajar hasta las 16:00. 

A las 16:05 habré terminado.


¿Futuro compuesto or futuro simple?

Now that you know there are two different future tenses it’s time to learn when to use them both properly. 

Futuro simple o imperfecto Futuro compuesto o perfecto
To indicate the point in time when something happens in the future
To indicate something that has already happened at a point in time in the future
Viajaremos en marzo a Irlanda. La clase empezará a las 09:00. Harás muchas cosas durante tu vida.
En abril ya habremos visitado Irlanda. A las 09:02 la clase ya habrá empezado. A los 80 años habrás hecho muchas cosas.

Now you need to practise, so here you have some practical exercises to keep learning.

Wait a second… Have you missed any of our previous posts in our series about the future in Spanish? Don’t worry! Follow the links bellow and don’t miss a thing!

Future forms in Spanish: Future Markers
Future forms in Spanish: Futuro Simple
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