House Vocabulary in Spanish: the Kitchen

This post includes:
- 3 infographics,
- 1 vocabulary video,
- audio materials to practice your pronunciation,
- practical exercises that help you learn the new vocabulary in Spanish.
People say that the kitchen is the heart of the home, because this room is often where we spend most of our time. Do you know how to say this in Spanish?
[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”]La cocina es el corazón de la casa.
In this post, we cover all the vocabulary and essential grammar to talk about the kitchen in Spanish. You’ll find many practical exercises to practice what you’re about to learn here! ¡Vamos!
Let’s start with the vocabulary video of the Kitchen vocabulary in Spanish!
If you want to learn more about the house in general, check the rest of our house vocabulary series:
Kitchen furniture and appliances in Spanish
They’re so many appliances and things in the kitchen: the oven, the table, the fridge… but do you know their names in Spanish? And more importantly, would you like to learn them?
In the next images, you have the specific names in Spanish of the basic elements and appliances you can find in a kitchen.

Drag the words to the correct place:
Let’s play a memory game!
Kitchen utensils in Spanish
Once you’ve learned the big stuff, it’s time to move on to the smaller objects. Items that we use for cooking and, of course, eating.
Now read and listen the names of these kitchen utensils in Spanish.
Choose the right option:
Cooking related verbs in Spanish
Now that we’ve covered the basic vocabulary, you need to learn how to talk about the this you normally do in the kitchen, like cooking and baking.
Are you ready to find out what cooking related verbs are in Spanish? Let’s start!
añadir/echar/poner - to add
Necesitas añadir un poco de sal. La sopa está sosa - You need to add a bit of salt. The soup is tasteless. -
cocinar - to cook
Me gusta cocinar para mis amigos. - I love to cook for my friends. -
hornear (hacer) - to bake (to make)
Vamos a hornear/hacer un pan. - We're going to bake a loaf of bread. -
hervir - to boil
Primero tiene que hervir el agua. - The water has to boil first. -
cortar/picar - to cut/chop
Ahora podemos picar la cebolla. - Now we can chop the onion. -
enfriar - to cool
Tengo que dejar enfriar la tarta. - I have to let the cake cool. -
precalentar - to preheat
Primero tengo que precalentar el horno. - I have to preheat the oven first. -
calentar - to heat
Voy a calentar la comida en el microondas. - I will heat the food in the microwave. -
freír - to fry
A María no le gusta freír patatas. Odia el olor. - María doesn't like frying potatoes. She hates the smell. -
quemar - to burn
El nuevo cocinero es terrible. Siempre quema la comida. - The new chef is awful. He always burns the food. -
probar - to taste
Es muy importante probar la comida mientras la preparas. - It's very important to taste the food while you're making it. -
lavar - to wash
Antes de cortar la verdura tienes que lavarla. - You have to wash the vegetables before chopping them. -
lavar/fregar los platos - to do the dishes
Lucas nunca lava los platos en su casa. Tiene un lavavajillas. - Lucas never does the dishes at home. He has a dishwaher. -
batir - to whisk
¿Puedes batir las claras para la tarta? - Can you whisk the egg whites for the cake? -
decorar - to decorate
¿Puedes decorar la tarta de cumpleaños? - Can you decorate the birthday cake?
Let’s practice the cooking related verbs you’ve just learned. Are you ready?
Drag the picture to the correct verb:
Choose the right picture:
Essential grammar for the house in Spanish
Now that you’re an expert in vocabulary you might want to revise or learn some basic grammar rules you can use with all these new words.
Find all the essential grammar in the overview post by clicking the link below.
Grammar is explained to you by our Spanish teachers. You can practice with exercises and learn basic vocabulary about the entire house!


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