“Mi objetivo es enseñar lo que no se puede aprender en los libros: la esencia del idioma.”
Nationality: Spanish
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, Italian, German and a little French
- Education & Certifications
I studied a double degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. I did an internship at a high school in Germany and then I did a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training. In addition, I have taken several ELE courses.
- Work Experience
I have been teaching Spanish online since 2020. It was the pandemic that prompted me to take the step to move to online teaching. In addition, I have taught in person in various institutions, both public and private, in different countries (Germany, Italy, Spain…).
- Certifications
I have taken ELE teaching courses and attended several seminars of the Consejería de Educación during my experience as a language assistant.
I also have certificates in other languages such as the C1 Advanced in English or the Deutsche Sprachdiplom B2.
- Curiosity
My passions have always been languages and travelling. I am passionate about everything that involves getting to know other cultures, languages and realities. Besides, I love writing, drawing and scrapbooking. For the last few years I have been creating my own “Bullet journal” to get organised. Do you know what it is?
I have always enjoyed travelling and learning about the language, culture, gastronomy and history of the places I visit. The best way to do this is to surround yourself with native speakers. These experiences have allowed me to have friends and students in the different places I have visited.
3 Questions for Silvia
¿Cuál es tu palabra favorita? ✨
Enralarse: es una palabra canaria que, según el Diccionario Histórico del español de Canarias, hace referencia a «Ponerse alguien muy alegre y animado, y especialmente cuando actúa con desorden …».
¿Qué superpoder te gustaría tener? 🤟🏻
Me encantaría poder volar para visitar cualquier lugar en cualquier momento.
¿Qué color serías y por qué? 🌈
El naranja siempre ha sido mi color favorito, ya que me relaja y me transmite creatividad. Mi galería está llena de fotos de atardeceres cuando el cielo está naranja.