“Communicate and build bridges with the rest of the world!”
Nationality: Spanish
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, French, a little German and a little Portuguese.
- Education
I have a double degree in Translation and Interpreting in English, French and German from the ULPGC (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). I have also completed a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training at the ULL (University of La Laguna).
- Work Experience
I started teaching English to children and teenagers in Tenerife and it was an experience I enjoyed very much. However, later on, I had the opportunity to work as an assistant Spanish teacher in educational centres in France for a year and, at that time, I discovered my passion for teaching and sharing my mother tongue with other people, be they children, teenagers or adults.
- Curiosity
I am an active person and I love sports and nature. My favourite sport is beach volleyball and I also enjoy hiking with my family, friends and, above all, my dog. I am also a very sociable and curious person, so I love meeting people from different cultures and having the opportunity to talk to them as part of my job.
Cultural diversity in the Hispanic world, music, football and cooking are also part of my hobbies and interests and, therefore, I like to include them in some of my classes.
Student's Feedback
3 Questions for Sara
¿Qué color serías y por qué? 🌈
Elegiría el color naranja, como el que aparece en las puestas de sol. Creo que es un color que transmite mucha alegría y vida, pero también calma y paz, y eso es lo que me gustaría a mí transmitir a las personas que me rodean.
¿Qué superpoder te gustaría tener? 🤔
Me encantaría poder viajar al pasado para presenciar directamente los grandes acontecimientos históricos y conocer a todas las personas que han jugado un papel importante en la historia.
Para ti, ¿qué es la felicidad? 🍀
Mi definición perfecta de felicidad sería una tarde soleada de verano, en cualquier playa del norte de Tenerife, disfrutando del mar, las olas y la arena con mis amigos y mi familia.