
You are at Level 6
(A2.2 - Intermediate Low 1/3)

You already know how to express your intentions and causes and how to make a phone call.

You know the vocabulary that you need to talk about health and the human body. Plus, you know the most important infinitive constructions and direct and reflexive pronouns.

In the next level, A2.3, you will learn to talk about your experiences, recent events and things that have already been done or have to be done. Finally, you will be able to express your mood. While that, you will learn to conjugate verbs in the pretérito perfecto compuesto and to use indefinite pronouns and adjectives.

Get Certified in Your Spanish Level

The placement test gives a rough estimation of your Spanish grammar skills.

If you want to be certain of your grade, take our detailed level evaluation now. This is the exam that our Spanish students must pass to continue to the next level of our 24 Level System to Spanish Fluency®.

Once you pass the level exam, we’ll send you a free certificate with your name on it.

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