Sports Vocabulary in Spanish for the Olympic Games – Paris 2024

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In this post you will find:


You may not be a big sports supporter, but every four years you probably watch at least one of the events that take place at the Olympics. The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are already here and what better time to learn how to comment and understand these competitions in Spanish? In this post we offer you all the vocabulary and basic expressions you will need to keep up to date with the latest sporting events. Ready, steady… go!

Olympic Sports in Spanish

In this edition of the Olympic Games (Juegos Olímpicos) being held in Paris, a total of 32 sports have been selected from which we have chosen 20 for you to learn their names in Spanish. We have left out those that don’t change their names in Spanish (rugby, water polo, etc.) and those that are variations or different categories to those already included in our list (mountain biking, artistic swimming, etc.). So here are 20 sports in Spanish to be ready for Paris 2024.

Let’s practise all these new words about Olympic sports in Spanish with a fun memory game!


General vocabulary for the Olympics in Spanish

If you want to be able to understand and comment on the competitions and sporting events of these Olympic Games, here you have all the sports vocabulary in Spanish so that you don’t miss anything. 

Let’s practise with a few more practical exercises!


Would you like to keep learning vocabulary with us? Then it’s time to refresh the vocabulary of the body parts in Spanish with our previous post. In this post you’ll find all the key words you need to talk about your body or someone else’s. Just click on the link you”l find down below and keep learning with us!

101 Sport-related verbs and expressions in Spanish

After all this vocabulary, there is only one more step to go: learning the 101 sport-related verbs and expressions in Spanish. This way you will be able to enjoy all the sporting events without difficulty. Here we go!

Let’s do some final practice to check all the vocabulary you’ve learned so far! Are you ready?

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